CCCPA Hosts Dinner for the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council Delegation in Cair...
Cairo, Egypt - The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding, in its capacity as th...
In Partnership with the Ministries of Interior and Peacebuilding in South Sudan, CCCPA Hold...
CCCPA, kickstarts on-ground implementation of the second cooperation project with the Government of Switzerland- State Secret...
CCCPA participates in the High-Level Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security hosted by Jo...
CCCPA participated in the High-Level Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS), “The Arab Vision: Youth, Peace an...
CCCPA participates in AU pilot training on the Protection of Civilians in Peace Support Ope...
CCCPA participated in the African Union (AU) training titled “Pilot Training on the revised AU curriculum on Protection...
Le CCCPA prend part à la 3e édition de la Classe diplomatique organisée par l'Unive...
Le CCCPA a pris part à la 3e édition de la Classe diplomatique organisée par l'Université Sen...
CCCPA and Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism Sign Memorandum of Understanding
On Monday 27 May, 2024, H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Director-General of the Cairo International Center for Conflict Re...
CCCPA with Partners Conduct Second Iteration of Global Training Course on Community Violenc...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA), in partnership with DDR Secti...
CCCPA, with IOM and NUPI hold a webinar on “Addressing Knowledge Gaps in the Nexus of Cli...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) in partnership with the Intern...
The Fourth Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development to Take Place in July 2024
The fourth edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, titled “Africa in a Changing World: Re-Env...
La quatrième édition du Forum d'Assouan pour la paix et le développement durables a...
La quatrième édition du Forum d'Assouan pour la paix et le développement durables, intitulée ...
انعقاد النسخة الرابعة من منتدى أسوان للسلام والتن...
تنطلق فعاليات النسخة الرابعة لمنتدى أسوان للسلام والتنمية المستدام...
CCCPA participates in the African Union Short Term Election Observers (STO) Training for Wo...
Nairobi, Kenya - CCCPA, represented by its Peacemaking and Peacebuilding Program Assistant, Ms. Darin Hany, participated in t...
CCCPA participates in the African Union Short Term Election Observers (STO) Training for Wo...
Nairobi, Kenya - CCCPA, represented by its Peacemaking and Peacebuilding Program Assistant, Ms. Darin Hany, participated in t...
CCCPA participated in the conference on “Current Challenges on Migration in the East Medi...
CCCPA, represented by Ms. Ingi Rashed, CCCPA Program Lead on Transnational Threats Program participated in the conference org...
Célébration de La Journée Internationale de la Francophonie 2024
Au cours de l'année écoulée, les activités du CCCPA en français et visant l’espa...
CCCPA Hosts the 20th Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Training Gro...
Cairo, Egypt – Acting in its capacity as co-chair of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration ...
Le CCCPA organise une formation en français sur le thème du « climat, la paix et la séc...
Destinée aux formateurs des centres francophones de formation au maintien de la paix, une formation portant sur l...
CCCPA hosts a session at the World Bank’s 2024 Fragility Forum on “Transitioning out o...
Washington D.C. - The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) hoste...
CCCPA prend part au colloque “Vers un monde pacifique, résilient et durable” organi...
Le CCCPA a participé au colloque “Vers un monde pacifique, résilient et durable” organis&eacut...
CCCPA Concludes Implementation of a Project Contributing to Building Egyptian Capacities in...
Cairo, Egypt – The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) recently ...
CCCPA hosted a roundtable discussion titled “Rethinking Counterterrorism Responses in the...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) hosted a roundtable dis...
Africa Needs to be at the Center Stage of Conversations on Rethinking Global Peace & Secur...
Munich, Germany - During the 60th edition of the Munich Security Conference (MSC), the Cairo International Center for Conflic...
CCCPA, UNDP and Switzerland Sign a New Project to build African Capacities in the field of ...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) hosted the signing ceremony of...
COMESA Secretariat and CCCPA hold Noth Africa Validation Workshop for Studies on Climate Ch...
Mombasa, Kenya – The COMESA Secretariat and the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Pe...
Call for Applications | CCCPA launches Training on Conflict Resolution for Egyptians
للغة العربية إضغط داخل الرابط علي Open Pdf  In a world marked by conflict and tensions, the pursuit of peace is a pressing imperative that requires commitment, knowledge...
Le CCCPA et l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) organisent la Premièr...
Destinée aux Casques Bleus Égyptiens devant être déployés en environnement francophone, une...
مصر واليابان: شراكة ممتدة من أجل السلام والتنمية ا...
بقلم السفير/ أحمد نهاد عبد اللطيف مدير مركز القاهرة الدولي لتسو...Article entitled "Egypt-Japan: A Spotlight on their Partnership for Sustainable Peace and Development" available in...
CCCPA conducts a field visit to Mozambique
A team from CCCPA conducted a field visit to Mozambique from 4 to 9 December 2023, to gain a deeper understanding of the chal...
Preparations for Aswan Forum IV: CCCPA & AU Convene an Expert Workshop on the Operationaliz...
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - On the occasion of the African Union’s Third Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD...
One-Year of CRSP High-Level Side-Event at COP28
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) – in its capacity as the...
CCCPA Conducts a Capacity-Building Training in Mali on Enhancing the Role of Religious Lead...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA), in partnership with th...
Le CCCPA organise une formation sur le terrain pour renforcer le rôle des leaders religieu...
Le Centre international du Caire pour la résolution des conflits, le maintien et la consolidation de la paix (CCCPA) a...
In Partnership with the African Union, CCCPA Holds Training Course on Integrating Forced Di...
CCCPA, in partnership with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Centre for Post-conflict Reconstruction a...
Building Capacities to Enhance Meaningful Youth Inclusion in DDR
12 October 2023 - The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) – in p...
CCCPA and FBA Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Advance Sustaining Peace Efforts
9 October 2023 – CCCPA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) with the aim ...
​League of Arab States and CCCPA Conduct New Training for Arab Women Peace Mediators Netw...
The Secretariat of the League of Arab States (LAS) - Department of Social Affairs- and Cairo International Center for Conflic...
​CCCPA et l’Université Senghor signent un accord de coopération pour renforcer les ca...
Le Centre International du Caire pour la Résolution des Conflits, le Maintien et la Consolidation de la Paix (C...
CCCPA and Senghor University sign a cooperation agreement to strengthen African capacities ...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) and Senghor University signed ...
CCCPA Holds First “Climate Responsive Programming for Sustaining Peace” Training Course...
CCCPA conducted the first edition of the “Climate Responsive Programming for Sustaining Peace” training course fr...
CCCPA and AU hold side event on "Strengthening Peace in an Era of Climate Vulnerabilit...
5 September 2023 Nairobi, Kenya – Within the framework of the Africa Climate Summit 2023, the Cairo Inte...
CCCPA Director General visits Japan to discuss strengthen peacekeeping and peacebuilding co...
Ambassador Ahmed Nehad Abdel-Latif, Director General of the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping ...
Director General of the Multinational Force & Observers (MFO) Visits CCCPA
Director-General of the Multinational Force & Observers (MFO), Ms. Elizabeth Dibble, paid a visit to the Cairo Internatio...
CCCPA Assumes Co-Chairmanship of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegrat...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA), represented by its DDR team, h...
CCCPA participates in the inaugural Austrian Forum for Peace
Stadtschlaining, Austria - CCCPA participated in the inaugural edition of the Austrian Forum for Peace from 3-6 July 2023, or...
Outcomes of the Cairo Workshop on the Review of the African Union Post Conflict and Reconst...
The 2nd African Union Workshop on the Review of the AU Policy on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development
Le Centre International du Caire pour la Résolution des Conflits, le Maintien et la Consol...
Le Centre International du Caire pour la Résolution des Conflits, le Maintien et la Consolidation de la Paix (CCCPA) e...
CCCPA Reçoit la Visite de Jeunes Parlementaires Francophones
Le Centre International du Caire pour la Résolution des Conflits, le Maintien et la Consolidation de la Paix (CCCPA), ...
CCCPA Hosts Regional Expert Consultation on Climate Security in North Africa in partnership...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in Cairo (CCCPA) hosted, in partnershi...
COP27 Presidency Initiative: Climate Response for Sustaining Peace (CRSP) Briefing Event - ...
New York/ hybrid, 25 April 2023 -- the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, Cairo International Center for Confl...
IAPTC Executive Committee Meets Ahead of the Upcoming 27th Annual Conference in Kenya
Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers (IAPTC) (2017-202...
CCCPA virtual event marks 5th Anniversary of “Pathways for Peace” Report
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the “Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict&...
CCCPA célèbre le mois de la Francophonie avec une visite des étudiants en master de rela...
À l’occasion du mois ainsi que de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie, Le Centre International d...
First consultation meeting of the COP27 Presidency initiative “Climate Responses for Sust...
The Egyptian COP27 Presidency, the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA)...
CCCPA and the League of Arab States Sign MoU
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) signed a Memorandum of Underst...
CCCPA Chosen to Chair the African Union Network of Think Tanks for Peace (NETT4PEACE)
Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) was chosen to chair the African Un...
CCCPA Signs an MOU with the AU Commission
On 6 February, 2023, H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Nehad Abdel-Latif, Director General of the Cairo International Center for Conflict...
CCCPA and Japan Embassy in Egypt host roundtable discussion on Advancing Sustainable Peace ...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in Cairo (CCCPA) hosted, in collaborat...
CCCPA Holds Third Pre-deployment Training for Egyptian Female Military Contingents Joining ...
CCCPA in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense--organized the third pre-deployment training for Egyptian female...
Members of the League of Arab States, Arab Women Mediators Network and the Global Alliance ...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA hosted delegations from the League of Arab States (LAS), the Arab Women Mediators Network (AWMN), ...
CCCPA Builds Nigerian State & Federal Capacities in Handling Individuals Formerly Associate...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) conducted a two-day capacity d...
CCCPA Conducts its First On-Ground Training for Women Community Leaders on Preventing Radic...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) conducted a five-day capacity ...
CCCPA Concludes Second Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Female Military Contingents Joi...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA--in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense--organized the second pre-deployment traini...
Fourth Annual Meeting of CCCPA’s International Advisory Board
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) held its fourth International ...
CCCPA Participates in the 14th African Standby Force Training Implementation Workshop
CCCPA participated in the African Standby Force (ASF) Training Implementation Workshop, organized by the African Union Peace ...
CCCPA Holds Training on Strengthening the Capacity of Somali Civil Society and ATMIS offici...
CCCPA, in collaboration with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and the National Union of Somali Journal...
CCCPA Launches First-of-its-Kind Training on Integrating Forced Displacement in Post-Confli...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA, in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Development Bank, held t...
CCCPA Welcomes Delegation from SADC Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) received a delegation from the...
New Zealand Defense Minister Participates in Opening Ceremony for CCCPA Training on Gender-...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA, in collaboration with the government of New Zealand, through UNDP, officially started its three-d...
CCCPA and the Government of Australia to Cooperate on Preventing Radicalization and Extremi...
Cairo, Egypt - The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) hosted a signin...
Launch of the consultations on a potential initiative on climate change and sustaining peac...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA), in collaboration with the Uni...
CCCPA Concludes Pre-deployment Training for the First Batch of Egyptian Female Military Con...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA--in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense--organized a pre-deployment training for the fir...
CCCPA’s Combating Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants Training Focuses on Pr...
CCCPA conducted a training course on “Combating Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants” from 5-8 Septem...
Centrality of Institution Building for Peace and Development Highlighted at CCCPA’s TICAD...
CCCPA organized a virtual side event on 29 August 2022 titled: “Strengthening Institution Building to Advance Sustainab...
CCCPA Builds African Capacities to Operationalize AU Operational Guidance Note on Disarmame...
CCCPA conducted a training on the African Union Operational Guidance Notes (AU OGN) on disarmament, demobilization and reinte...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining the United Natio...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining UN Mission in Mali kicks off
Cairo, Egypt – A Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for Egyptian Special Forces Company joining the United Nations Multidime...
Successful Conclusion of Third Edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Develop...
The third edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development concluded successfully. High-level officials, spea...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 59 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the United Nations M...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining the United Natio...
Third Edition of the Aswan Forum Under the Spotlight at Stockholm Forum on Peace and Develo...
Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, CCCPA participated in the...
Aswan Forum III Preparatory Workshop: “Leveraging Women’s Role in Building Resilience t...
In the lead up to the third edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, to be held on 21-22 June 2022, ...
CCCPA Holds Virtual Seminar on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Efforts in Africa
As part of the on-going preparatory process for the third edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, t...
IAPTC Executive Committee Meets Ahead of the Upcoming 26th Annual Conference
Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers (IAPTC), CCCPA pa...
Third Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development slated for 21-22 June 2022
The Third Edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development is set to take place under the theme, “Afric...
CCCPA Welcomes Angola’s Minister of External Relations and Co-Organizes Lecture on Sustai...
In cooperation with CCCPA, the Institute of Diplomatic Studies hosted a lecture by H. E. Amb Téte António, Mini...
CCCPA Participates in Pilot Testing of the African Standby Force Generic Military Pre-Deplo...
CCCPA’s peacekeeping expert attended the pilot testing of the African Standby Force (ASF) Generic Military Pre-Deployme...
CCCPA Conducts Field Mission to South Sudan
A team from CCCPA, headed by Ambassador Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Director-General of the Center, carried out a field mission to Sou...
CCCPA Holds Training Course on Transnational Threats in the Sahel
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a training course on “Transnational Threats in the Sahel: Combating Human Trafficking a...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT) for 410 Egyptian peacekeepers joining th...
APRM’s Country Review Report on Egypt Commends Aswan Forum’s Role in Efforts to Combat ...
The recently launched African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Country Review Report on Egypt commends Egypt’s counter-terr...
Egypt Hosts Retreat on Post-2021 Arrangements in Somalia
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA is organizing a retreat on “Post-2021 Arrangements in Somalia” in&...
CCCPA and NCCPIM&TiP Conduct Training for South Sudan on Combating Human Trafficking and Sm...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA--in cooperation with the National Coordinating Committee for Combating and Preventing Illegal Migr...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining...
African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security Visits CCCPA
Cairo, Egypt – Amb. Bankole Adeoye, African Union (AU) Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security visited C...
CCCPA Workshop Series on Forced Displacement Tackles Interlinkages with Climate and Post-Co...
Cairo, Egypt – Acting in its capacity as the Executive Secretariat of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and De...
CCCPA Expert Workshop focuses on Defeating Terrorism in an Era of Cascading Risks in Africa
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted an expert workshop titled “Defeating Terrorism in an Era of Cascading Risks: Perspective...
CCCPA Conducts first DNM Training for Somali Officials
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its first context-specific dialogue, negotiation and mediation (DNM) ...
تعاون مصر وجامعة الدول العربية لتقديم دورة بناء ا...
تنظم الأمانة العامة لجامعة الدول العربية -قطاع الشئون الاجتماعية - إ...
CCCPA Conducts First-of-its-Kind Training on Integrating Risk and Resilience Analysis in Na...
As part of the implementation process of the conclusions of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, CCCPA deli...
Three Consecutive Pre-Deployment Trainings Held for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized three pre-deployment trainings (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers joining t...
AU Peace and Security Council Highlights CCCPA’s Role in Relation to Climate Responses fo...
A recent communiqué of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) highlighted CCCPA’s role in strengthening the cap...
CCCPA Trains Egyptian Military, Police and Civilian Components on Integrating Gender in Pea...
Cairo, Egypt - Within the framework of the tripartite cooperation between the Egyptian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense...
Egypt Hosts Second UN Police FPU Commanders Workshop
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA--in cooperation with the Egyptian Peacekeeping Operations Training Center (EPOTC), the Egyptian Ag...
CCCPA Holds First Course on Security and Development in the Red Sea Region
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted the first edition of the Red Sea Security and Development course from 15–18 N...
CCCPA Hosts the IAPTC Virtual Seminar Titled “Overcoming Training Challenges in the COVID...
Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres (IAPTC), CCCPA ho...
CCCPA and AfDB hold Workshop on Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace in Africa as Part of t...
CCCPA--in cooperation with the African Development Bank (AfDB)--organized a v...
Board Meeting Discusses CCCPA Projects Funded by the Government of Japan
CCCPA held a board meeting for the projects funded by the Government of Japan on 3 November 2021. The meeting was attended by...
CCCPA Convenes Virtual High-Level Panel on “Financing for Peacebuilding in Peacekeeping a...
CCCPA--in cooperation with the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (UNPBC)-- organized a virtual high-level panel titled ...
CCCPA Concludes a Series of Training Courses for NARC
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted a series of virtual training courses during October and November 2021, in cooperation with the Ex...
Aswan Forum under the spotlight at the 2021 Africa Resilience Forum
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA -hosted a virtual high-level panel titled “Reinforcing the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Ne...
Pre-Deployment Trainings for Egyptian Peacekeepers
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted two pre-deployment trainings in September 2021. The first training (from 18-2...
CCCPA Builds African Capacities in DDR
CCCPA conducted its flagship Foundational Training Course on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) with a speci...
CCCPA Contributes towards Building African Mediation Capacities
CCCPA conducted a virtual training on “Dialogue, Negotiation and Mediation” from 15-19 August 2021. The five-day ...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining...
CCCPA's Webinar Series Discusses Pathways to Advance Gender-Responsive Climate Program...
In the context of implementing the Aswan Conclusions on Sustainable Peace and Development in Africa, CCCPA organized a webina...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 100 Egyptian peacekeepers joining th...
CCCPA’s First Virtual Advanced Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leadin...
Religious leaders play a critical role in preventing radicalization and extremism leading to terrorism. In thi...
IAPTC Executive Committee Meets Ahead of the 26th Annual Conference
Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres (IAPTC), CCCPA pa...
CCCPA, Government of Japan and UNDP Launch Two Cooperation Projects
Cairo, Egypt – Two cooperation projects between CCCPA, the Government of Japan and the United Nat...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joinin...
CCCPA Co-Hosts Side Event on the Margins of the 2021 Counter-Terrorism Week
On 25 June 2021, CCCPA and Women in International Security–Horn of Africa (WIIS-HoA) co-hosted a side event titled &ldq...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 50 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the...
CCCPA Strengthens African Capacities in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)...
CCCPA conducted a virtual foundational training course on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)
Aswan Forum II Under the Spotlight at the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission
On 9 June 2021, the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (UN PBC) held an ambassadorial-level meeting to brief PBC Member ...
Egypt Hosts Nigerian Delegation for Training Course on Governance, Security and Sustainable...
As part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen cooperation between Egypt and Nigeria, a delegation from the Nigerian Institute ...
CCCPA Participates in the 2021 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development
Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, CCCPA partnered...
CCCPA Participates in the Executive Committee Meeting of the International Association of P...
As the current Secretariat of IAPTC, the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding p...
CCCPA Conducts its First Virtual Training on "Combating Human Trafficking and Smugglin...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding hosted a virtual traini...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 370 Egyptian peacekeepers joining th...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be j...
Virtual Dialogue: “Advancing the Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda i...
CCCPA organized on 4 November 2020 a Virtual Dialogue entitled: “Advancing the Implementation of the Women, Peace and S...
The Aswan Forum II - Shaping Africa’s New Normal: Recovering Stronger, Rebuilding Better
Owned by Africa, and supported by international and regional partners, the Inaugural edition of the Aswan Forum for Sustainab...
CCCPA Conducts its Second Virtual Training on "Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggli...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding conducted a virtual tra...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 102 Egyptian peacekeepers joining th...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCC...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) – in partnership with th...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCC...
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) – in partnership with th...
CCCPA Participates in the Annual Meeting of the Challenges Forum
CCCPA participated in the annual meeting of the Forum on the Challenges of Peace Operations from 7-11 Dec...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 193 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the Uni...
COVID-19 and North Africa: impact and resilience
The human toll of the COVID-19 pandemic has been more limited in Africa than elsewhere. At the same time, the pandemi...
Fourth Annual Meeting of CCCPA’s International Advisory Board
The Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) held its fourth International ...
CCCPA Conducts its First Virtual Training on “Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling o...
In Africa, the twin challenges of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants are of particular gravity and urgency. The...
The Cairo Roadmap - Enhancing the Performance of Peacekeeping Operations from Mandate to Ex...
Cairo, Egypt – Today’s Peacekeeping missions are facing increasing pressure to adapt to riskier and more vol...
Training Session - Climate Risk Assessment Tools and Methodologies for National Planning an...
Fragility and conflict are always the result of complex interactions between different social, political, economic, cultural,...
Egyptian Foreign Minister Presides Over the First Board of Directors Meeting
Cairo, Egypt - On 27 September 2020, H.E. Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republ...
Expert Webinar Series - Integrating Climate-Related Security and Development Risks into Nat...
All African countries are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Fifty of them have r...
Expert Webinar Series - Assessing Climate-Related Security and Development Risks in Africa
Despite Africa’s limited contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions (merely 3.8 percent), climate change and its a...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining the United...
Pre-Deployment Trainings for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized two parallel pre-deployment trainings (PDT) for a total of 100 Egy...
Leaving No One Behind: Mainstreaming Migration in National Development Policies in the Sahe...
Cairo, Egypt – Prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, migrants–who make up 3.4 percent ...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 35 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the United Nations Multid...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 70 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the United Nations Multid...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining the United...
60 Years of Commitment: Egypt as a Peacekeeper (2)
In 1960, Egypt began its involvement in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations with two paratrooper companies deployed t...
60 Years of Commitment: Egypt as a Peacekeeper (1)
In 1960, Egypt began its involvement in the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations with two paratrooper companies deploy...
Terrorism in the Shadow of the Pandemic
Cairo, Egypt – Seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and the health and socioeconomic impact has al...
COVID19 and Beyond: The World Bank Group Response to Fragility
The World Bank’s systemic approach and coherent policy framework for addressing fragility is guiding its respon...
From Aswan to Stockholm: Advancing Peace and Development
Stockholm, Sweden – Acting in its capacity as the Secretariat of the
Reinventing Governance for a Fragile and Complex New World
The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare the long crisis of global governance; to fix the present and prepare for the fu...
CCCPA, the Government of Japan and UNDP Continue Their Strategic Partnership
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for 952 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the United Na...
High-Level Lunch on Sustaining the Momentum for a Holistic Implementation of the A4P Commit...
New York, USA – In cooperation with CCCPA and the Permanent Missions of Egypt, Sweden and Indonesia to the UN, the...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt - The important role of states to combat the transnational threats of human trafficking and migrant smuggling is...
CCCPA and UN Police Organize a Formed Police Units Performance Workshop
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA--in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Interior, the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Dev...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining the United...
Aswan Forum Preparatory Workshop - Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Addressing the needs of countries and communities affected by, or emerging from, conflict is amo...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) course for 275 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the United N...
CCCPA’s First Foundational Training on Enhancing the Engagement of Arab Women Leaders in ...
Cairo, Egypt – Arab women have proven to be on the frontlines of the struggle against extremism conducive to terro...
Enhancing Arab Women Diplomats’ Negotiation and Mediation Skills
Cairo, Egypt – The important role of women as positive agents of peace has been emphasized by the adoption of Unit...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) course for 220 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the&nb...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt –The twin challenge of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants in Africa is grave and urgent. Con...
Aswan Forum Preparatory Workshop - Towards a Comprehensive, Integrated and Coherent Approac...
Cairo, Egypt – Today’s conflicts are complex, deadly and intractable. While the majority are intrastate, the impa...
Aswan Forum Preparatory Workshop - Towards a Comprehensive, Integrated and Coherent Approac...
Cairo, Egypt – Today’s conflicts are complex, deadly and intractable. While the majority are intrastate, the impa...
20th Anniversary of the Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations: Training of Tr...
Cairo, Egypt – Marking the 20th anniversary of the first protection of civilians (POC) mandate in UN peacekeeping ...
Aswan Forum Preparatory Workshop - Conflict Prevention in Africa: From Policy to Practice
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The last few years have witnessed a surge in violent conflicts, which have beco...
Pre-Deployment Trainings
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted two pre-deployment trainings in September 2019. The first training (from 9-19 Septe...
Aswan Forum Preparatory Workshop - Advancing the Implementation of the Women, Peace and Sec...
Cairo, Egypt - In the lead up to the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNS...
Aswan Forum Preparatory Expert Workshop - Africa’s Forcibly Displaced: From Ad Hoc Respon...
Cairo, Egypt -- Upon assuming the Chairmanship of the African Union in February 2019, Egypt announced the launch of the Aswan...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining UNAMID
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA is organizing a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) course from 18-26 August 2019, for 110 Egyptian peac...
CCCPA’s Third Advanced Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Ter...
Cairo, Egypt – Religious leaders play a critical role in preventing radicalization and extremism leading to terror...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt – The scale and complexity of the current crisis of forced migration, refugee flows, internal displac...
Mainstreaming Migration into National and Local Development Policies
Cairo, Egypt - Migration and development are two deeply linked issues, with migration directly affecting the achievement of e...
Training on Facing the Media for Junior Egyptian Diplomats
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA, in cooperation with the Egyptian Institute for Diplomatic Studies, organized a training cour...
CCCPA and OROLSI Launch a Cooperation Framework
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA hosted the signing ceremony of a cooperation framework with the United Nations Office of Rule...
CCCPA Participates in the Annual Meeting of the Challenges Forum
Montreal, Canada – CCCPA participated in the annual meeting of the Challenges Forum from 9-12 June 2019. The meeti...
CCCPA’s Advanced Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism...
Cairo, Egypt – Religious leaders play a critical role in preventing radicalization and extremism leading to terror...
Egypt Announces the Development of its First National Action Plan on the Implementation of ...
Cairo, Egypt - Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially announced...
The Cairo Center Assumes the Secretariat of the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Devel...
Cairo, Egypt - Under the auspices of President Abdelfattah el-Sisi and the supervision of the Egyptian Ministry of Forei...
CCCPA, the Government of Switzerland and UNDP Launch New Cooperation
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA hosted the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement with the Government of Switz...
CCCPA to Develop Egypt’s First National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security
Cairo, Egypt - In continuation of Egypt’s strong commitment to the implemen...
CCCPA Participates in the 7th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Peacekeeping T...
Belgrade, Serbia - CCCPA and the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Serbia participated in the 7th Annual Meeting ...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian military peacekeepers who will be joining t...
CCCPA, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme Launch a New Ph...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA hosted the signing ceremony of a new phase of cooperation with the Government of Japan a...
Enhancing the Performance of UN Peacekeeping: From Shared Political Commitments to a Joint ...
New York - CCCPA and the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations--in cooperation with the ...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian military peacekeepers who will be joining th...
Enhancing Arab Women's Participation in Peace Processes
The contribution of women as powerful agents for peace has long been acknowledged. The landmark United Nations Security Counc...
CCCPA Participates in the 3rd Challenges Forum Leadership Toolkit Report Back Workshop
Pretoria, South Africa – CCCPA participated in the third Challenges Forum Leadership Toolkit Report Back Workshop ...
CCCPA and Folke Bernadote Academy Build African Capacities in DDR
CCCPA and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) of Sweden joined hands to conduct a foundational training course on Disarmament,...
Training of Trainers on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations
Cairo, Egypt – Acts of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) is a breach of the trust bestowed on peacekeepe...
IAPTC Executive Committee Meets Ahead of the 25th Annual Conference
Lima, Peru – In its capacity as the Past President and the current Secretariat of the International Associ...
CCCPA Participates in the Review of Integrated DDR Standards
Stockholm, Sweden - For thirty years, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) has been an important tool in ...
Training on Facing the Media for Egyptian Diplomats
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA in cooperation with the Egyptian Institute for Diplomatic Studies, organized its third traini...
CCCPA’s Advanced Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism...
Cairo, Egypt – Religious leaders play a critical role in preventing radicalization and extremism leading t...
MINUSCA Pre-Deployment Training
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT), for Egyptian military peacekeepers who will be joining t...
Enhancing the Performance of Peacekeeping Operations: From Mandate to Exit
Cairo, Egypt - Today’s Peacekeeping missions are facing increasing pressure to adapt to riskier and more volatile ...
Building African Capacities for Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt – The scale and complexity of the current crisis of forced migration, refugee flows, internal displac...
Operationalizing the AU Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development Policy
Cairo, Egypt – “The primary responsibility of post-conflict reconstruction and development and peacebuilding...
CCCPA and ISS Join Hands to Build Capacity for Financial Crimes Investigation in North Afri...
Cairo, Egypt - Financial crimes represent one of the most serious threats to development, peace, stability and secu...
CCCPA Participates in the Annual Meeting of the African Union’s Civilian Strategic Suppor...
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - CCCPA took part in the Annual Meeting of the Civilia...
CCCPA in the 73rd Tahrir Dialogue Series
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA took part in the 73rd Tahrir Dialogue Series, titled “Peacekeeping Operations: Les...
CCCPA Hands Over the Presidency of the IAPTC
Auckland, New Zealand – CCCPA handed over the presidency of the International Association of Peacekeeping ...
MINUSCA Pre-Deployment Training
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) for Egyptian military peacekeepers who will be joining th...
Boutros Boutros-Ghali Global Speakers Series
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted a dinner in honor of H.E. Soyata Maiga, Chair of the African Commission on Human and Pe...
Boutros Boutros-Ghali Global Speakers Series/ Women’s Roles in Addressing Peace and Secur...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted a dinner in honor of H.E. Soyata Maiga, Chair of the African Commission on Huma...
CCCPA Hosts the Challenges Forum Report-Back Workshop
Cairo, Egypt - In cooperation with the Secretariat of the International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations, CC...
MINUSMA Pre-Deployment Trainings
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized two pre-deployment trainings (PDT) for Egyptian military peacekeepers joining t...
Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants Training Course
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a training on “Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants”...
MONUSCO Pre-Deployment Training
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT) for 67 Egypti...
MINUSMA Pre-Deployment Training
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT) course for 250 Egyptian Peacekeeping forces joining the U...
Collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Defense on Pre-Deployment Trainings
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted three consecutive UN pre-deployment trainings (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeeping forces. The...
UNAMID Pre-Deployment Training
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a pre-deployment training (PDT) course for 450 Egyptian Peacekeeping forces...
Eighth Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism – Nigeria
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held the eighth training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terror...
Training Course on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a training on “Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants” in C...
Mediation and Diplomacy Workshop
CCCPA, in collaboration with the German Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) organized a three-day peer co...
CCCPA Honors Egyptian Peacekeepers
CCCPA hosted a reception on the occasion of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers on 26 June 2018. The event w...
Third Annual Meeting of the International Advisory Board
The International Advisory Board (IAB) of the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuild...
Training on Facing the Media for Egyptian Diplomats
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized its second training course for Egyptian diplomats on “Facing the Medi...
CCCPA Celebrates the International Day of UN Peacekeepers
Today, the United Nations celebrates the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers under the theme: “70 yea...
CCCPA Briefs the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum on Countering Extremist Narratives in East ...
Cairo, Egypt – Following the successful conclusion of CCCPA’s expert workshop, titled “Towards...
Seventh Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism - Nigeria
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its seventh training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leadin...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted another pre-deployment training (PDT) course for Egyptian peacekeeping forces who will be...
Fourth Phase of Cooperation between CCCPA, Government of Japan and UNDP
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched...
CCCPA Launches New Training Program on Gender-Sensitive Media Coverage in Conflict Situatio...
Cairo, Egypt – The first training course on “Gender-Sensitive Media Coverage in Conflict Situations&...
CCCPA Participates in the Challenges Forum Workshop for Co-Chairs of the Leadership Toolkit...
Stockholm, Sweden – CCCPA participated in the workshop organized by the Challenges Forum Secretariat from ...
United Nations National Planners Course for Troop and Police Contributing Countries
Cairo, Egypt - In partnership with the Integrated Training Service (ITS) of the United Nations Department o...
CCCPA Chairs the Annual Executive Committee Meeting of the IAPTC
Auckland, New Zealand – Acting in its capacity as the President of the International Association of Peacek...
Pre-Deployment Trainings
CCCPA conducted two pre-deployment trainings for Egyptian Peacekeepers joining the African Union-United Nations Mission in Da...
CCCPA to Hold an Expert Workshop on Countering Terrorist Narratives in the East and Horn of...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA, in cooperation with the Counter -Terrorism Unit of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affair...
CCCPA Hosts a High-Level Dinner in Honor of UN Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov
Cairo, Egypt - On the occasion of a three-day visit to Cairo by Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov, Head of th...
Training Workshop for South Sudan National Dialogue Steering Committee
Cairo, Egypt – The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Peacekeepers Joining MONUSCO
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted a pre-deployment training (PDT) course for Egyptian peacekeepers who will be joining t...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a training on "Combating Human Trafficking an...
Sixth Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism - Somalia
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its sixth training on "Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a training on "Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants&q...
Training on Facing the Media
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized its first training course for senior Egyptian diplomats on “Facing th...
Red Sea High-Level Meeting Highlights the Need for a Permanent Coordination Mechanism
Cairo, Egypt – The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Egyptian Agency for Partnership...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a training on “Combating Human Traffic...
CCCPA Participates in the 9th African Standby Force Training Implementation Workshop
Libreville, Gabon - CCCPA Advisor on Peacekeeping, Brigadier General (Ret.) Ehab Khedr, represented the Center at the Af...
High-Level Meeting on Peace, Security and Prosperity in the Red Sea Region
Cairo, Egypt – The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organizing--in cooperation with the Egyptian Ag...
Fifth Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism-Nigeria
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its fifth training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terro...
Training on Conflict Resolution and Mediation for Egyptian Diplomats
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized its third foundational course on “Conflict Resolution and Mediation&r...
CCCPA Joins Egypt’s National Committee for Combating Illegal Migration and Trafficking in...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA has been invited to join the Egyptian National Coordinating Committee for Combating a...
Chairman of CCCPA's International Advisory Board Joins the African Union's Panel ...
Cairo, Egypt – H.E. Amre Moussa, Chairman of CCCPA's International Advisory Board and former Secretary...
Three Pre-Deployment Trainings for Egyptian Peacekeepers
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted three pre-deployment training courses fo...
Training on Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a second foundational course on “Conflict Resolution and Mediation&rd...
Foundational Courses Held for the League of Arab States (LAS)
Cairo, Egypt - The Cairo Center organized two foundational training courses ...
CCCPA Assumes Presidency of the IAPTC
Cairo, Egypt – The 23rd Annual Conference of the IAPTC was successfully con...
Minister Shoukry Inaugurates the 23rd Annual Conference of the IAPTC
Cairo, Egypt – H.E. Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, in...
Egypt Hosts the 23rd Annual Conference of the IAPTC
Cairo, Egypt – H.E. Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, will today inaugurat...
Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism - Nigeria
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its fourth training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to T...
CCCPA Participates in the Expert Group Meeting on AU Early Warning
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – CCCPA participated in an Expert Group Meeting organized by the Office of the Speci...
CCCPA Organizes First Training on Implementation of UN Sanctions
Cairo, Egypt – In cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (department of UN Affairs) and the Uni...
CCCPA Participates in Expert Meeting on the Role of Women and Youth in Preventing Extremism...
Barcelona, Spain – CCCPA participated in the two-day Expert Meeting jointly organized by the Secretariat of the Un...
African Newspage Features CCCPA's Program on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism L...
An article by African Newspage titled "How CCCPA is using Islamic Shariah to prevent violent extremism in A...
Egyptian Prime Minister Recharters CCCPA as an International Center
Cairo, Egypt - On 13 June 2017, and after 23 years of existence as the “Cairo Regional Center for Conflict...
Egypt’s Contribution to Peacebuilding in Africa
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a seminar titled “The African Architecture for Post-Conflict Reconstruction a...
13th Annual General Meeting of The Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reint...
Training on Gender Mainstreaming in Peacemaking, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in Africa
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its first training for the year on “Gender Mainstreaming in Peacemaki...
UNDPKO-UNDFS Launch New Core Pre-Deployment Training Material for UN Peacekeeping Operation...
The Integrated Training Service (ITS) of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO) and the De...
2nd Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted its second pre-deployment training (PDT) course for Egyptian peacekeepers joining the Uni...
8th African Standby Force Training Implementation Workshop
The African Union Commission (AUC), in cooperation with the Economic Community of...
CCCPA, Government of Japan and UNDP Launch a New Phase of Cooperation
Cairo, Egypt -  A third phase of cooperation between CCCPA, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Developm...
International Advisory Board Meets in Cairo
Cairo, Egypt - The Cairo Center held its second International Advisory Board (IAB) meeting on 10 April 2017.
High-Level Lunch Featuring the President of the General Assembly
Cairo, Egypt - On the occasion of the visit of H.E. Peter Thomson, President of the United Nations General Assembly (PGA...
IAPTC Executive Committee Meet in Cairo Ahead of the 23rd Annual Conference
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA hosted a meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Association of ...
Partnerships for Peace and Security in Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The Cairo Center organized a workshop titled “Partnerships for Peace and Security in ...
Third Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism - Nigeria
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA conducted its third pilot training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terr...
US News and World Report Features CCCPA's Program on Preventing Radicalization and Ext...
A US News & World Report article titled "Schooled in Tolerance" featured CCCPA's pro...
Training on Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized its first foundational course on “Conflict Resolution and Mediation” fr...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA conducted a pre-deployment training (PDT) course, from 19-27 March 2017, for 170 Egyptian peacekeeping f...
Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region
Cairo, Egypt - In cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...
Guterres: Egypt is a Pillar of Multilateralism in Today's World
Cairo, Egypt - Speaking at Cairo University, on 15 February 2017, United Nations Secretary-General (UNSG) António...
Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA organized a training on “Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants” fr...
Second Training on Strategic Crisis Management
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a basic course on “Strategic...
Two Pre-Deployment Trainings for Egyptian Peacekeepers
Cairo, Egypt-CCCPA conducted two pre-deployment training courses for 100 Egyptian peacekeepers joining the United Nations Org...
NATO Training Synchronization Conference
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA participated in the 2017 NATO Training Synchronization ...
CCCPA Contributes to Global Peace Operations Review 2016 Annual Compilation
The prestigious Global Peace Operations Review has issued its 2016 annual compilation, featuring a policy brief by CCCPA...
CCCPA Delivers Training on Strategic Crisis Management
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA organized a basic course on “Strategic Crisis Management” in Cairo, from 29 Ja...
MONUSCO and CCCPA to Forge Closer Cooperation
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA welcomed Lieutenant General Derrick Mbuyiselo Mgwebi, Force Commander of the United N...
High-Level Dinner in Honor of UN Assistant Secretary-General Dmitry Titov
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted a high-level dinner in honor of H.E. Dmitry Titov, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSMA
CCCPA conducted a pre-deployment training (PDT) course for Egyptian peacekeeping forces who will be joining the United Nation...
Pre-Deployment Training for Egyptian Troops Joining MINUSCA
Suez, Egypt – CCCPA conducted a pre-deployment training for 450 Egypti...
CCCPA Participates in Expert Group Meeting on "Women, Peace and Security"
CCCPA Women, Peace and Security Program Officer, Sarah Abdelgelil, represented the Center at the Expert Group Meeting under t...
Training on Conflict Analysis and Sensitivity
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA delivered a training course on “Conflict Analysis & Sensitivity” from 4-8 Dece...
Training on Conflict Analysis and Sensitivity
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA delivered a training course on “Conflict Ana...
First Regional UNMUM Seminar in Africa and the Arab World
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA, in partnership with the United Nations (UN) Office of Milit...
Ninth Training on Gender, Peace and Security
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA delivered its ninth training course on “Gender, ...
CCCPA Conducts 2nd Training on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants in 20...
Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held a training course on “Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants”...
Peace Envoys and Mediators in Africa Call for Peace from Sharm El Sheikh
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - CCCPA hosted the 7th Annual High-Level African Union Ret...
CCCPA Takes Part in 2016 PTEC Marketplace
Brussels, Belgium - CCCPA participated in NATO’s Partnership Training ...
CCCPA Hosts UN ToT Pilot Course on Core Pre-deployment Training Materials
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted the United Nations Global Training of Trainers (...
CCCPA Conducts Training on Gender in Peacekeeping and Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Ab...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA delivered its first training course on 'Gender in Peacek...
CCCPA Launches its Program on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA recently launched its training program on Preventing Radical...
CCCPA Hosts the 14th Annual APSTA Conference
Cairo, Egypt – The 14th APSTA (African Peace Support Trainers Association) conference and general meeting was held in C...
CCCPA Hosts Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission of Japan's House of...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted Masahisa Sato, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and De...
CCCPA Organizes Preparatory Workshop for the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on Africa...
Cairo, Egypt - In preparation for the Sixth Tokyo International Conference o...
CCCPA Conducts Tabletop Exercise on Mainstreaming Gender in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a tabletop exercise (TTX) on mainstreaming ge...
CCCPA Participates in the Second Ministerial Meeting of the AU-HOA Initiative on Traffickin...
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - CCCPA participated in the 'Second Ministerial Meeting and Third Senior Officials Meeting of the ...
CCCPA Hosts Roundtable Discussion Featuring the President of the UN General Assembly
Cairo, Egypt - On the occasion of the visit of the President of the UN Gener...
CCCPA to Host the 13th Annual Meeting of IDDRTG
Accra, Ghana – CCCPA will host the 13th Annual Meeting of the Integrat...
CCCPA Conducts First Training in Partnership with LAS on Mainstreaming Gender in Peacekeepi...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA Director Ashraf Swelam hosted the closing session for t...
CCCPA to Assume Role of IAPTC Secretariat
Sarajevo, Bosnia - CCCPA has unanimously been chosen as the next secretariat of t...
Ministerial Breakfast on 'Continuum of UN Response Through Different Stages of Conflic...
New York, US - Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry hosted an ...
CCCPA Briefs UN General Assembly High-Level Thematic Debate on UN, Peace & Security
New York – CCCPA is participating in the High-Level Thematic Debate (HLTD) ...
Third Gender, Peace and Security ToT Course
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA Deputy Director Counselor Hatem Elatawy, Ambassador Mervat E...
CCCPA, Government of Japan and UNDP Launch a New Phase of Cooperation
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA, the Government of Japan (GoJ) and the United Nations Develo...
CCCPA Participates in Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping Seminars in New York
New York - CCCPA participated in two international seminars on t...
CCCPA Hosts Experts Workshop Related to the Global Study on Implementation of UNSCR 1325
CCCPA hosted an Experts Workshop on “The Global Study on the Implementation...
CCCPA Hosts Regional Workshop on Combating Terrorism and Extremist Ideologies in West Afric...
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted a workshop on “Empowering Local Communities in ...
CCCPA Celebrates International Women's Day
On this day, CCCPA celebrates women’s extraordinary contribution to societies, especially in conflict and post-conflict...
African Workshop on UN, Peace & Security
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Following the successful conclusion of the Arab consultat...
Japanese Prime Minister Abe Announces a New Phase of Support to CCCPA
Japan will launch a new phase of its support to CCCPA in recognition of its role ...
Lykketoft Advocates the Importance of Reasserting Effective Multilateralism at the Arab Per...
Addressing more than 100 participants at the High-Level Workshop on “Arab Perspectives on the Future of the UN Peace an...
CCCPA Finalizing Preparations for the Arab Perspectives High-Level Workshop
Cairo, Egypt - Final preparations are underway for the High-Level Workshop to be ...
Goodbye Ghali
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA mourns the death of Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the sixth Sec...
CCCPA Hosts APSTA's 10th Board of Directors Meeting
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted the 10th Board of Directors meeting of the African Pe...
CCCPA Organizing High-Level Workshop on Arab Perspectives on the Future of UN Peace and Sec...
CCCPA will organize a High-Level Workshop on 1-2 March 2016 in Cairo, titled &ldq...
Empowering Local Communities to Combat Terrorism and Extremism Leading to It
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a two-day workshop on "Empowering Local Communitie...
Meeting with Jens-Petter Kjemprud, Norwegian Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan
Cairo, Egypt - On 19 January 2016, CCCPA Director, Counselor Ashraf Swelam, welco...
First Gender, Peace and Security Training Course by CCCPA in Partnership with AWO
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA Director Ashraf Swelam, Ambassador Mervat El Tallawy and Amb...
Senior Women Talent Pipeline Meeting Hosted by CCCPA
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA Director Ashraf Swelam today welcomed Ms.Anne Favr...
CCCPA Holds Training Course for NARC Military Observers
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA today began a five-day training course for Military Observer...
A Fifth Term for Egypt on the UN Security Council
On 15 October 2015, Egypt was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Securit...
CCCPA to Host the 23rd Annual Conference of the IAPTC
Brasilia, Brazil - The Annual General Meeting of the International Association of...
AU-HOA Human Trafficking Regional Conference
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt - CCCPA took part in the 'Second African Union Regional Conference on Human Trafficking and Smuggl...
CCCPA Assumes Presidency of the African Peace Support Trainers Association
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - On September 9, CCCPA assumed the Presidency of the Afric...
CCCPA to Train More Egyptian Peacekeeping Forces
Cairo, Egypt - On 23 August 2015, CCCPA will begin another United Nations pre-dep...
CCCPA to Hold its First International Advisory Board Meeting
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA will hold its first International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeti...
MOD and CCCPA Continue Close Collaboration on PDT
Cairo, Egypt - August 12th saw the conclusion of the United Nations pre-depl...
Sameh Shoukry Opens 21st Session of the UN Senior Mission Leaders Training Course
Cairo, Egypt - Sameh Shoukry, Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, official...
The Cairo Center Hosts a Dinner for the Forum of Libyan Tribal Leaders
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted a dinner for the Forum of Libyan Tribal Leaders at the Grand Nile Towers Hotel on May 27, 2015. T...
7th Annual Training Implementation Workshop for ASF
Cairo, Egypt -- CCCPA is hosting the three-day 7th Annual Training Implementation Workshop for the African Standby Force (ASF...
CCCPA Launches New Project to Consolidate Peace, Security and Stability in Africa
Cairo, Egypt - The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the United Nations...
CCCPA Concludes the Conflict Analysis and Conflict Sensitivity ToT Course
Cairo, Egypt -  CCCPA, and the London-based INGO International Alert recently conducted a Training of Trainers (ToT) on ...
Board Commends Achievements of 2014
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA hosted the annual meeting of the Executive Board of the proj...
CCCPA to Host United Nations Senior Mission Leaders Training Course
Cairo, Egypt - The United Nations, represented by the Department of Peacekeeping ...
CCCPA Participates in EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative Meeting
In line with on going efforts to train and build African capacities on trans-boun...
CCCPA Hosts U.S. Congressional Staff Delegation
Cair, Egypt -  CCCPA hosted a dinner in honor of a delegation of professional staffers from the U.S. Congress on April 1...
CCCPA Conducts 2nd Gender, Peace and Security ToT Course
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA Technical Advisor Ambassador Mahmoud Farghal concluded the G...
Celebrating International Women's Day the CCCPA Way
Since August 2012, CCCPA has continued its efforts to support the role of women i...
CCCPA Organizes the MENA Consultations of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operati...
Cairo, Egypt - In October 2014, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon established the High-level Independent ...
CCCPA Conducts 5th Gender, Peace and Security Training Course
Cairo, Egypt - On 15 February 2015, CCCPA Deputy Director Counselor Hatem Elatawy...
Egypt Loses Six of its UN Peacekeepers
CCCPA expresses its deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues o...
Starting 2015 in Full Force with Two SALW Courses in January
Cairo, Egypt - On 29 January 2015, CCCPA completed its second course in the series on ‘The Illicit Transfer of ...
CCCPA and the Egyptian MoD Continue Close Collaboration on Training
Cairo, Egypt - January 14th saw the conclusion of three consecutive UN pre-deploy...
CCCPA Conducts 4th AMISOM Training
Cairo, Egypt - The CCCPA and AMISOM partnership successfully completed its 4th tr...
CCCPA Provides Trainings to Combat Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a global phenomenon with serious consequences on human security, human rights and the rule of law, espec...
UN Security Council and General Assembly Share CCCPA Workshop Outcome Report
The high-profile Cairo workshop on the 'Regional Aspects of Peacebuilding'...
CCCPA Hosts the African Union Senior Mission Leaders
In cooperation with the African Union, CCCPA hosted the 9th Annual African Union ...
CCCPA Facilitates the First Meeting of Libya’s Tribal Leaders
CCCPA hosted and facilitated the first meeting of the Libya’s Tribal Leader...
Responding to the Ebola Outbreak
Cairo, Egypt - Responding to the current Ebola crisis facing Africa, CCCPA organized a series of training programs, in collab...
CCCPA Provides Trainings to Combat Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a global phenomenon with serious consequences on human security, human rights and the rule of law, espec...
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